Setup #1 - The first step connected to the wired network, modify the call sign

The first step connected to the wired network, modify the call sign

The OLED display will not light until it is connected to the MMDVM web server, so be sure to complete this step 

Connect to the network cable, power, and other network card flashing green, visit http: // pi-star on any computer, click the [configuration] in the upper right corner, enter the user: pi-star Password: raspberry 

Highly recommended to use Chrome or Firefox browser, other browser problems Firefox address:

Description: As the Nano + large screen raspberry pie 0 does not have network cable interface, you need to use the computer to write WiFi configuration to the SD card, please prepare a TF card reader, refer to the following WiFi configuration method two. If you do not understand the operation, please note WiFi ID and password when ordering, it is strongly recommended to set their own!

For the case of inaccessibility, in most cases the browser has done a domain name to the external network to go, please use Chrome or Firefox. Or use http: // MMDVM hotspot IP address / direct access. There are two ways to get an IP address:

1 Log in to the router to check the terminal of the network cable and check the IP address of the device named pi-star

2 Use the [Auxiliary Tools] on the back of the article to view the IP address of the device named pi-star and start to configure the call sign and DMR-ID.
Here, I set the default DMR and YSF two modes, to facilitate testing, please only keep one and your hand the same model

MMDVM (Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem) Getting Started

Setup #1 - The first step connected to the wired network, modify the call sign
Setup #2 - The second step to set up wireless Wi-Fi, wireless use

English :

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